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D&I opportunity for organizations

  • September 13, 2022 11:02 PM
    Message # 12918392
    Lister Administrator (Administrator)
    LA County Arts Education Collective

    I.D.E.A. Wave Workshop Series

    Open source, evolving tools for transformation designed for schools, arts and arts education organizations

    October 7 & October 28, 2022 | 9AM - 12PM (PDT)
    (Via Zoom)

    Utilizing tools and resources developed by the I.D.E.A. Wave CoLab, the I.D.E.A Wave workshop series provides a guided journey towards equity, diversity, inclusion, healing, and anti-racism by offering an entry point to develop sustainable processes, conversations, and shared values in organizations, coalitions, schools, and communities. The workshops will introduce participants to I.D.E.A. Wave Colab tools that will support teams' journeys towards inclusive, equitable, accessible, and anti-racist ways of collaborating.

    Through workshopping and open dialogue, the tools facilitate an operational checkpoint to help map where an organization is in its I.D.E.A. journey and help identify strengths and areas of possibility. As a result of intentional and engaged interaction with the I.D.E.A. tools between workshop sessions and beyond, attendees will be able to identify areas of growth, advance I.D.E.A. in their internal practices, and demand sustainable and systemic change toward equitable and accessible TK-12 arts education. These sessions are not training on I.D.E.A. They are an introduction to open-source I.D.E.A. tools and an opportunity to network with changemakers and leaders across the arts field.

    Teams from TK-12 schools, nonprofits, and philanthropic organizations in the arts education field are invited to apply. As this work requires deep commitment across all aspects of an organization, we recommend that teams include 2-3 people, with at least one senior staff member. If possible, the organization's board chair would be a great addition, as well as any more recent staff members. We encourage all organizations joining to honor this working time and incorporate the sessions into the paid workday. 

    Apply to join this workshop series by completing this form by September 23, 2022.. If you have any questions please contact the I.D.E.A. Wave Co-Lab team at
    Supported by fiscal sponsorship from Arts Connection and educational consulting by HOMEplxce, the I.D.E.A. WAVE COLAB models and builds capacity for sustained multi-disciplinary collaborations to normalize anti-racist education in and across institutions of arts and culture. I.D.E.A. WAVE COLAB is a coalition of arts, education, and social justice professionals that includes Black, Indigenous, Latinx, South and West Asian, Asian Pacific Islander American, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and other communities that have been historically excluded from the discourse around the strategic design of models that advance equity. Their multidisciplinary leadership spans across the arts education, arts policy, creative youth development, community engagement, educational consulting, philanthropic, postcolonial theory, and public health sectors.

    The I.D.E.A. WAVE COLAB is a partner in the LA County Arts Education Collective, working alongside the LA County Department of Arts and Culture to uplift and share the work of practitioners across the region. 
    I.D.E.A. Wave Co-Lab
    Inclusion. Diversity. Equity. Anti-Racism.
    Training Hosts | HOMEplxce Educational & Business Consulting
    Arts Connection

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